Getting people to visit your website is only half the marketing battle. Why? Because you need website visitors to do more than look around. You need them to engage with your business – To make purchases, sign up for events, or make donations. You need them to convert.
The best way to drive more conversions on your website is to attract the people who need what you have to offer. To get the right traffic, not just more traffic, to your website, you need to use the right strategies. Here is a look at 10 of the best ideas for driving qualified leads to your online location.
1. Run retargeting campaigns
Retargeting is the practice of sending ads directly to individuals who have previously visited your website but who did not convert. Often, these advertising campaigns address the product or service that the consumer showed interest in while on your site.
For example, if a consumer explores hiking boots on your site, a retargeting campaign may deliver ads to that individual that specifically address, or offer deals on, the boots they were considering.
According to one estimate, up to 97 percent of people do not convert on their first visit to a website. Reaching them with additional information or offers can drive up your ROI and get people who have already shown interest in your business back to your website.
2. Target social media ads to your preferred audiences
Every business has a group of people in mind when creating their marketing initiatives. Called the target audience, these are people who are likely to need the products and services the business has to offer. Reaching them is the best way to drive leads and conversions.
Social media platforms such as Facebook or Instagram make it easy to target specific ads to specific audiences based on demographic factors such as location, age, gender, and more. By targeting your advertising to the people you want to reach, you ensure that your ads get in front of the people most likely to respond.
3. Focus search ads on your leading inbound keywords
Keywords are search terms consumers use to look up information in search engines. The keywords a consumer uses can give you insight into what they are looking for, and whether they will be a strong lead for your business.
In order to drive the right traffic to your website, consider creating search advertising (Ads that show up in the search results on Google) around the keywords that are most relevant to your business. For example, you may want to focus on “trail boots, RGV” or “hiking boots for backpacking.”
When your search ads are relevant to your business, then people who respond to your advertising are more likely to find what they need on your website. Carefully crafted search ads can boost website visits, sales, and conversions – All without requiring an increase in your marketing budget.
4. Create brand search ads
Brand search advertising are ads that show up in the search engine for your business name. Whenever a consumer searches for terms that include your business name, or other branded terms, they will see an ad for your business at the top of the search engine (Before even the organic search results).
If you create and run brand search ads, your business will take over more space on the search results page. Plus, you will get your company in front of individuals who are specifically searching for your business.
5. Embrace OTT advertising
Over-the-top (OTT) advertising refers to advertising that appear while people are streaming shows or videos through online platforms. Similar to social media ads, these digital ads can be targeted very precisely to specific audiences, allowing you to get your name in front of the people most likely to engage with your business.
6. Engage with your target audiences on social media
Social media is a conversation, and keeping up your end can help you expand your network and drive people to your website. Instead of only promoting yourself on your social media channels, consider engaging with your target audiences on their platforms and communities. Here are some ideas:
- Like content posted by your target audiences.
- Leave comments on posts by your community members.
- Respond to content or comments referencing your brand or products.
As you interact with your target audiences and social media communities, you will spread the word about your brand and encourage new consumers to check out your website and convert while they are there.
7. Keep your Google Business profile active
Creating a Google Business profile for your company is a fundamental step in developing an active online presence. However, you should also keep your profile active and updated over time.
Posting regularly on your profile makes it more likely that your business will show up in the search results for “near me” searches (Searches in which the consumer is looking for a business close to their geographic location). Getting in front of consumers who are nearby will improve your chances of getting a response from them.
8. Create email campaigns for existing customers
Current customers can prove to be a source of significant business, because these are people who already know and trust your company. If you can maintain a relationship with them, you are likely to enjoy their repeat business.
One way to remain connected with existing customers is to create periodic email campaigns. Use the contact lists you already have in order to email customers about important news, discounts, and opportunities.
The more customers hear from you, the more likely they are to think about you when they need your products and services. Add in special sales and information about new products to entice them to come to your website and shop.
9. Share content on your social media platforms
In addition to running targeted social media ads, you can connect with your target audiences through your own social media accounts. Try regularly creating and sharing content across these platforms in order to help potential consumers learn about your business and the benefits of engaging with you. Here are some ideas for social media content:
- Links to blog posts or other written content
- Questions for your audiences to encourage responses
- News and events
- Sales and discounts
- New products
- Holiday celebrations
When consumers respond to your posts, you can also enhance your social media presence by engaging with their comments. You can even share reviews or calm disgruntled consumers through savvy social media engagement.
The more active you are, the more consumers will see your business, engage with your business, and visit your website, where they can convert in the ways you desire.
10. Create keyword-rich content for your blog and website
In order to get your business in front of the consumers most likely to want your products and services, try investing in SEO via keyword-rich content for your blog and website. This means developing material that uses the same terms that your target audience is likely to be using on search engines.
By investing in SEO, you increase your chances of being ranked in the search results for these search terms, and that means getting in front of your target audiences. Post regularly, and maintain high-quality and relevant content in order to provide a valuable source of information for your consumers.
Get the right traffic to your website with the smart use of these 10 marketing strategies. When your marketing is working, you will see not only an uptick in website visitors, but also an increase in conversions and an improvement in your ROI – All without needing to spend more money on your marketing budget. CODESM is here to help, with a unique marketing-as-a-service model designed to help you get the most out of your marketing and your budget.